Paralegal Careers: São Paulo
Cleary Gottlieb recruits paralegals who are graduates of four-year colleges and universities with strong academic backgrounds.
Candidates should be detail-oriented, have excellent organizational ability and strong written and oral communication skills. Because many of our clients are multinational corporations and international institutions, we actively recruit individuals with foreign language capabilities.
Paralegal candidates applying to the São Paulo office should submit a resume, unofficial transcript and cover letter to:
Suely Kim
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Júnior, 822
10th floor
Itaim Bibi
04542-000 São Paulo, SP Brasil
T: +55 11 2196 7200
F: +55 11 2196 7299
All information about employment opportunities at Cleary Gottlieb and application information is available on this website. All emails you may receive from the firm will be sent to you from a, or email address, with no country modifier. Cleary will never ask you to share your personal or financial information through email, a messaging service or an app. If you have any questions about a communication you have received from Cleary, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Note to Employment Agencies: Please do not forward any unsolicited resumes. Cleary is not responsible for any fees related to resumes that are unsolicited.
Equal Employment Opportunity: From its inception, Cleary has strived to maintain a friendly and collegial atmosphere that makes our offices a positive and supportive place in which to work. We believe strongly in the desirability of a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, where all of us observe the highest professional standards and treat each other with civility, respect and dignity. Consistent with these goals, the firm has a policy prohibiting any form of discrimination or harassment based on actual or perceived age, alienage or citizenship, ancestry, arrest or conviction record, color, creed, disability, domestic partnership status, gender identity, self-image, appearance, behavior or expression, genetic predisposition or genetic carrier status, marital status, military status, national origin, partnership status, pregnancy, childbirth- and pregnancy-related medical conditions, race, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation or preference, status as a victim of domestic violence, status as a victim of stalking or a sex offense, unemployment, veteran status, or any other category protected by law. This policy applies to all employment-related matters, including recruitment, hiring, placement, assignments, training, compensation, promotion and termination.