Opened at the firm’s founding in 1946, Cleary Gottlieb’s Washington, D.C. office has approximately 100 lawyers.
Reflecting the firm’s overall commitment to creating a seamlessly interwoven legal practice, our Washington office is not departmentalized by specialty. Core capabilities include litigation and securities enforcement, antitrust, corporate (including transactional and regulatory), banking and financial institutions, and energy and environmental law.
Many of the lawyers in our Washington office have significant U.S. government experience. Their former positions include a general counsel of the SEC, the chief legal counsel of the Enforcement Division of the SEC, a general counsel of the FDIC, senior officials of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division and the FTC, and a principal deputy general counsel of the Air Force.
Our lawyers also have had international experience, including rotations in one or more of our offices around the world; they are fluent in managing international transactions and dispute resolutions and collaborate easily with global colleagues. They all handle a wide variety of assignments and work cooperatively to share abilities across practices and jurisdictions.