Guide to Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness

June 11, 2020



Cleary Gottlieb and Start Small Think Big presented a webinar providing an overview of the Paycheck Protection Program’s loan forgiveness program.

Cleary partner Rich Lincer and associates Charlie Allen, Rachel Shapiro, Stephanie Charles, Jina Davidovich, Hilary Ruffer, and Yoni Hassin presented the program, which focused on providing small business owners with practical guidance on how to navigate the forgiveness application, including step-by-step examples and information on necessary documents.

The speakers also provided illustrations of common situations in which employers have had to reduce employee numbers or salaries/wages and demonstrated the effects those reductions have on the ultimate forgiveness amount.

The team reviewed highlights of the current information, provided details on where to find updates in the future, and shared details on how to receive one-on-one legal consultations. 

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