Cleary Gottlieb is representing Highstar Capital, a private equity fund focusing on infrastructure investments, and its portfolio company Ports America Chesapeake (“PAC”) in its more than $1 billion investment in the Seagirt Marine Terminal in the Port of Baltimore. In a public private partnership with the Maryland Port Administration, PAC will obtain a 50-year exclusive right to lease and operate the Seagirt Terminal in exchange for, among other things, undertaking significant infrastructure improvements including the construction of a new berth with a 50-foot depth to service super-Panamax vessels (with completion of the berth scheduled to coincide with the 2014 completion of the expansion of the Panama Canal). The deal was announced on Friday, November 19 at a press conference in Baltimore at which Governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley and Christopher Lee, Highstar founder and managing partner, delivered remarks. The deal is targeted to close in January 2010.