We are dedicated to making improvements that foster a sustainable future and lead to social and economic improvements within our firm, in our surrounding areas, and for all our stakeholders in the interest of long-term sustainability, social responsibility, and environmental integrity.

At Cleary, we promote green-friendly practices and pursue voluntary initiatives toward the goal of minimizing the firm’s impact on our environment. We are continually evaluating new ways to improve our operations and achieve better environmental performance by taking steps to reduce waste, manage consumption of water and electricity, and monitor the environmental impact of our buildings and our travel.

In support of these initiatives, we have formed a cross-functional working group tasked with accelerating our global sustainability efforts. Our cross-functional working group is exploring ways to further reduce the firm’s carbon footprint through augmented efforts to measure our emissions, set and socialize reduction targets, and devise metrics to track improvements.

2021 – 2023 Actions

  • We have partnered with Climate Vault, a carbon offset program, to purchase carbon credits to cover emissions attributable to the firm’s 2021 Scope 1, 2 and select 3 output. The firm’s contribution will support Climate Vault’s efforts to purchase and store carbon allowances, support research and technology to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere and promote education about combatting climate change. Once calculations of the firm’s carbon emissions for 2022 are finalized, we will begin the process of compensating for these emissions through the purchase of renewable energy certificates and carbon credits. [Cleary also represented Climate Vault pro bono in its incorporation and successful application for recognition as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.]
  • As part of the Net Zero Lawyer Alliance, we are advising on environmental and climate change matters in connection with the upcoming COP28 conference.
  • We are a sponsor of the Student Energy Summit 2023’s Essay Competition, an initiative of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Committee – making this the first time a law firm has been involved in this initiative. We have represented organizations such The Nature Conservancy pro bono, advising on a wide range of environmental projects, including innovative financing and funding mechanisms that focus on preserving landscapes that are critical to global conservation efforts and the survival of all.