Michael A. Mazzuchi
Michael A. Mazzuchi’s practice focuses on corporate and securities matters, particularly U.S. and international structured finance and derivatives matters.
He has extensive experience in mortgage and asset securitizations, collateralized bond obligation transactions, synthetic debt securities and repackagings, credit derivative transactions and interest rate, currency and equity derivatives.
Michael joined the firm in 1992 and became a partner in 2001.
Selected Activities
trigger- Faculty; Financial Institutions, Markets, and Transactions Training Series; 2022-2023
ABS Conflicts of Interest Rule: Potholes on the Road to Implementation
Summary of U.S. Financial Sector Initiatives Responding to COVID-19
DFS Regulation Clarifies Scope of Governor Cuomo’s Forbearance Order
Summary of U.S. Financial Sector Initiatives Responding to COVID-19
Response to COVID-19: U.S. Government Financial Sector Initiatives
Response to COVID-19: Break Out the Financial Crisis Toolkit?
Agencies Adopt Final Rule Implementing Key Elements of Volcker 2.0
Volcker Rule “1.5”: Analysis of Proposed Changes and Areas for Comment
Volcker 1.5: Highlights of Proposal to Simplify the Volcker Rule