Till Müller-Ibold’s practice focuses on EU law, where he specializes in certain areas of competition law (such as EU scrutiny of state aid), EU sanctions regulation, public procurement, anti-dumping and trade law, as well as in the representation of private parties and government entities in the European Courts.

Till joined the firm in 1991 and became a counsel in 2004, a partner in 2008 and was appointed as “Senior Counsel” in 2017. He has been nominated Honorarprofessor by the University of Passau in 2021. He chairs the advisory board (Beirat) of the “Berliner Gesprächskreis zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht”.

Notable Experience

State Aid

  • AES on alleged State aid to a power generation project, dealing with issues of legitimate expectations, relevance of bilateral investment treaties, etc.

  • Alcoa on a EU Commission State aid investigation of electricity tariffs paid by Alcoa smelters in Italy and in Spain, in the framework of the complex regulatory structures in Italy of energy pricing and energy tariffs (incl. Litigation before the European Courts in this regard).

  • Allergopharma (subsidiary of Merck KGaA) on a State aid complaint in the pharmaceutical sector.

  • Belgian Railways on a infrastructure project, connecting the Brussels Airport to the high speed rail network and respective State aid issues.

  • City of London and Transport for London regarding a dispute over the privatization of the London Underground, in particular public procurement and State aid issues.

  • LG Energy Solutions in connection with investment aid for a “large investment project” to build and expand a factory for the production of electric vehicle batteries in Poland.

  • Mercer and ZSG regarding investment aid for a new pulp mill in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany), including in an intervention before the European Court of First Instance in support of the EU Commission’s decision to authorize €250 million of State aid, including complex arrangements for new gas, electricity, and rail.

  • OKD, a Czech coal producer in connection with alleged State aid upon its privatization.

  • Orange (formerly Equant) in various procurement proceedings vis-à-vis the Institutions of the EU, incl. its successful appeal to the European General Court against an European Commission procurement decision relating to a major network infrastructure project.

  • Reverta (a Latvian bank) on State aid in the banking sector in connection with the modification and adjustment of commitments due to changed circumstances.

  • The Government of Serbia (on State aid in connection with Serbia’s future European Union accession (and including of the finding of “non-aid” by the European Commission as regards assets transfers of Zelezara Smederevo (a steel company in Serbia)).

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International Trade

  • Ajinomoto in connection with trade matters associated with the production and trade in monosodium glutamate in Indonesia and China.

  • Tosoh in connection with anti-dumping duties on imports of electrolytic manganese dioxide.

  • A number of financial institutions in the Gulf region in connection with EU financial sanctions against Syria, Iran, and other countries.

  • A number of clients on export control and financial sanctions issues in relation to the sanctions imposed against (inter alia) Syria, Libya, and Iran, as well as those imposed in connection with the crisis in Ukraine.

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Chairperson, Advisory Board, Berliner Gesprächskreis für Beihilfenrecht

Member, Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Europarecht

Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung


New EU Rules For Regional Subsidies To Enter Into Force,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memo, co-author with François-Charles Laprévote and Wanjie Lin, December 6, 2021.

Außenbeziehungen (Chapter § 12), in: A. Hatje, P. Müller-Graff (Hrsg.), Enzyklopädie des Europarechts, Band 1, 2. Aufl. 2021.

Von Steuern und staatlichen Beihilfen, in D. Lochner, B. Gehle, H. Hirte (Hrsg.), Liber Amicorum (Festschrift) für Thomas Heidel, Baden-Baden, 2021. 

European integration: Quo vadis? A critical commentary on the PSPP judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court of May 5, 2020; jointly with Jürgen Basedow, Jan Dietze, Stefan Griller, Manuel Kellerbauer, and others, (2021) International Journal of Constitutional Law, 1–20.

Die Entwicklung des Europäischen Außenwirtschaftsrechts (jointly with C. Herrmann), in: EuZW 2021, 97. 5) Kommentierung des Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommens EUSerbien, in: Krenzler, Herrmann, Niestedt (Hrsg.), EU-Außenwirtschafts- und Zollrecht, 16. Ergänzungslieferung Oktober 2020.

Der Einfluss Chinas auf die Wirtschaft – Konsequenzen für die europäische Wettbewerbs- und Außenhandelspolitik, in: Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS) 02/2020, S. 239 ff. (reflecting a presentation to the Monopolkommission in preparation for its Sondergutachten).

State aid for Financial Institutions - Chapter 39 -, in: Amtenbrink/Herrmann (Hrsg.) The EU Law of Economic and Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 2020, S. 1181 ff.

Europe’s Economic Response to the COVID-19 Crisis—the European Commission Steps In,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memo, co-author with Amélie Champsaur, Daniel P. Culley, and François-Charles Laprévote, March 16, 2020.

Kommentierung der Art. 16 - 20 der EU VO 2016/1036 (Antidumping Grundverordnung), in: Krenzler, Herrmann, Niestedt (Hrsg.), EU-Außenwirtschaftsund Zollrecht, ab 13. Ergänzungslieferung, Mai 2019.

Die externe Dimension der EU Politiken, deutscher Landesbericht für den XXVIII FIDE Kongress Lissabon/Estoril (23-26 Mai 2018): Congress Proceedings, Vol. 3; ebenfalls veröffentlicht in: Europarecht, Beiheft 1/2019, S.79 ff.

Bungenberg, Hahn, Herrmann, Müller-Ibold (Hrsg.), The Future of Trade Defence Instruments, Mitherausgeber, Springer 2018.

Click here for a more comprehensive PDF list of select publications.


ERA (Europäische Rechtsakademie), Annual Conference on EU Trade and Investment Law 2022, Presentation: A new Regulation to tackle foreign subsidies distorting internal market (7 Dec 2022).

Berliner Gesprächskreis zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht (German State Aid Law Association), Chair - Panel 4 - Proposed Regulation for a new Instrument to tackle foreign subsidies, in: Berlin (13 December 2021). 

ERA (Europäische Rechtsakademie), Annual Conference on EU Trade and Investment Law 2021, Presentation: A new Instrument to tackle foreign subsidies – Proposed Regulation COM (2021) 223 final (5 Nov 2021).

Bundesverband Mergers & Acquisitions, Webinar, “Wettlauf um das Öl des digitalen Zeitalters – Warum Europa eine starke Halbleiterindustrie braucht“, contribution on EU State aid policy (1 July 2021).

Berliner Gesprächskreis zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht (German State Aid Law Association), Chair - Panel 2 – Industry views on Commission proposals as regards IPCEI and CEAG, Online webinar (09 June 2021)

Monopolkommission (Germany), Hearing: „China: challenges for the European Market Economies“ (Anhörung: China Herausforderungen für die europäische Marktwirtschaft) – Presentation: Present and future reforms of anti-dumping and competition rules with respect to China, in: Bonn (13 February 2020)

Berliner Gesprächskreis zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht (German State Aid Law Association), Chair - Panel 1 – Recent developments and challenges for the new Commission (Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen für die neue Kommission), in: Berlin (06 December 2019)

C5-conference: European Forum on US Export Controls – Presentation: Navigating Potential Sanctions Landmines in a Rapidly Changing World, in: Brussels (19 November 2019)

Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer: 11. Speyerer Europarechtstage: Aktuelle Fragen des Europäischen Beihilfenrechts – Presentation: State aid law and investor protection, in: Speyer (24 September 2019)

Berliner Gesprächskreis zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht (German State Aid Law Association), Chair - Panel 5 – The ECJ judgment of the German renewable energy scheme and its importance for other mitigation schemes, in: Berlin (03 June 2019)

Universität Wien: Österreichischer Beihilferechtstag 2019 – Presentation: selectivity of tax measures under State aid rules, in: Wien (06 May 2019)

Click here for a more comprehensive PDF list of select events.