Tom Kessler Named an ‘Outstanding Young Restructuring Lawyer’ by Turnarounds & Workouts

May 1, 2023

Cleary Gottlieb partner Tom Kessler has been named an “Outstanding Young Restructuring Lawyer” for 2023 by Turnarounds & Workouts.

Tom is among only 12 lawyers nationwide under the age of 40 recognized for their work in some of the most significant bankruptcies and restructurings from the past year.

Tom’s recent work has included representing:

  • LATAM Airlines Group and its affiliates in Chile, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and the United States in the voluntary reorganization and restructuring of their debt under Chapter 11 protection in the United States.
  • Garuda Indonesia in Chapter 15 proceeding to seek recognition of its Indonesian restructuring proceeding and enforcement of its PKPU Plan.
  • Samarco Mineração S.A. in Chapter 15 proceeding to seek recognition of its Brazilian restructuring proceeding.
  • Apollo Management Holdings L.P., on behalf of certain of its affiliates and funds, as debtor-in-possession lenders to Grupo Aeroméxico and its affiliated debtors.
  • BNP Paribas in clawback actions brought by the Madoff bankruptcy trustee and the Liquidators of Madoff “feeder funds” in connection with the Madoff Ponzi scheme.

To learn more about Tom’s recognition, click here.