Class & Collective Action Group Newsletter
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
Welcome to the June 15, 2020 edition of our Class & Collective Action Group Newsletter, a briefing on recent developments in the class and collective action space.
In this edition, we cover an opinion concerning the preclusive effect of a class settlement on claims based on subsequent conduct in TVPX ARS, Inc. v. Genworth Life & Annuity Insurance Co. from the Eleventh Circuit. We also cover a district court order denying class certification because alternative non-judicial remedies were a superior option to class action litigation and another district court order requiring bifurcation and denying without prejudice a motion to decertify a damages class because of class plaintiffs’ failure to put forth a common means for determining individual damages or a sound basis for an aggregate damages award.
Please click here to read the Newsletter.
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