Riccardo Tremolada’s practice focuses on EU, Italian, and UK competition law.

His experience includes complex merger control proceedings, cartel investigations, abuse of dominance cases, and a wide range of regulatory matters, including digital markets regulation.

He has represented clients before the European Commission, the Italian Competition Authority, and the UK Competition and Markets Authority, as well as in litigation before the EU Courts and the Italian Administrative Courts.

Riccardo joined the firm in 2013. He has worked in the Rome, Washington, D.C., and Milan offices before transferring to the London office in 2023.


“Italy,” Technology Disputes 2024, Lexology Panoramic, March 6, 2024.

The European Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Standard Essential Patents: A Curate’s Egg,” co-author, European Competition Law Review, September 26, 2023.

The European Commission Proposes a New Regulation on Standard Essential Patents and FRAND Licensing,” Cleary Antitrust Watch blog, with Maurits Dolmans, Thomas Graf, Gareth Kristensen, and Gaia Shen June 7, 2023.

Verifiche su Concentrazioni, Intese e Posizioni di Significativo Potere di Mercato Lesive del Pluralismo,” Trattato delle Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2023

Italian Competition Law Reform,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, with Matteo Beretta, Alice Setari, Mario Siragusa, Marco D’Ostuni, Giulio Cesare Rizza, Gianluca Faella, Saverio Valentino, Fausto Caronna, and Marco Zotta

Ddl Concorrenza, l’autorità Garante avrà più poteri ma non c’è chiarezza di indirizzo,” Milano Finanza, June 29, 2022.

“Italian Annual Competition Law – Maritime Ports and Port Services,” Il Secolo XIX, April 16, 2022.

“Italy,” Technology Disputes 2022, Lexology Getting The Deal Through, March 24, 2022.

Towards Greater Competitiveness: The Competition Bill and Port State Concessions,” Shipping Italy, March 2, 2022.

Italy,” The Technology, Media and Telecommunications Review, 12th Edition, January 11, 2022.

ECN+ Directive Transposed Into Italian Law,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, with Matteo Beretta, Alice Setari, Mario Siragusa and Marco D’Ostuni, December 7, 2021.

Effective Pricing in Spectrum Auction Design: Optimal Auctions out of Thin Air,” Regulating for Globalization, Wolters Kluwer, April 12, 2021.

Italy,” The Technology, Media and Telecommunications Review, 11th Edition, February 5, 2021.

Italy,” The Renewable Energy Law Review, Third Edition, September 9, 2020.

Italy,” The Renewable Energy Law Review, Second Edition, September 6, 2019.

“Digital markets and merger control: Balancing big data and privacy against competition law – A comment on the European Commission’s decision in the Microsoft/LinkedIn merger,” with F. Marini-Balestra, 38(7) European Competition Law Review, 2017, 337-345.

“Facebook v. Business Competence: De-compiling the Rules of Databases and Reverse Engineering,” with Marco D’Ostuni 17(2) Leading Internet Case Law, 2017, 9-10.

“Conflict between Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights: A Case Study on Intangible Cultural Heritage,” 94(1) Oregon Law Review, 2016, 125-177.

“Offshore Natural Gas Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean in Relation to the European Union: A Legal Perspective Through the Lenses of Medreg,” with P. Farah, 8(6) Journal of World Energy Law And Business, Oxford University Press, 2015, 559-580.

“The EU Debate on Net Neutrality: What About Zero-Rating?, with F. Marini-Balestra,” 21(5) Computer And Telecommunications Law Review, 2015, 115-119.
