U.S. Government Bailout Programs: What Financial Institutions and Investors Need to Know

December 4, 2008


Cleary Gottlieb hosted a web seminar on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act on December 4th. The panel included Jack Murphy, Les Silverman, Brick Susko, Jeff Karpf, David Gottlieb, Derek Bush and Mary Alcock.

The panelists discussed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, including the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), and new Federal Reserve and FDIC initiatives. In particular, the seminar focused on the most recent developments under these fast-evolving programs and the key business opportunities they present. Topics discussed included:

  • Who can participate in the Treasury program, including how non-bank financial institutions and foreign financial institutions are treated
  • How the capital purchase program and the term asset-backed securities loan facility work and who is eligible
  • What executive compensation limits and other requirements apply to participating financial institutions
  • How M&A transactions are affected by the bailout programs
  • How the FDIC’s guarantee and insurance programs work and who can participate
  • What recent developments there have been concerning mark-to-market accounting and what the related disclosure concerns are
  • What commercial paper and liquidity programs Treasury and the Fed have implemented
  • What new products and offerings may emerge as a result of the crisis
  • How financial institutions and the market generally will be affected going forward

Audio-Only Presentation MP3 File